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20090907-The first impression of English Stylistics and the professor  

2009-09-07 16:00:17|  分类: 教师学习 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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20090907-The first impression of English Stylistics and the professor

Here comes the first important day of our English major study. To our disappointment or delight, who knows, we just need to learn 3 courses this week. As for other courses, we need to wait and accompany those full-time post-graduates to study from next week on.

Luckily, we did have a course about English Stylistics this morning and Professor Zhang Huahong brought us a brief introduction of the English Stylistics, which helps me relieve the tension and nervousness on this course. I used to think our teaching has little to do with stylistics, as for the sake of NMET, we English teachers focus a lot on vocabularies, grammar, and assign lots of work of reading and writing to students, but not to mention style of what we read or write, which, as a matter of fact, does play an important role to help understand what the authors try to convey.

Actually, the English Stylistics is a branch of Linguistics, no matter as a language learner or teacher, we need to have some knowledge of the features of different varieties of language, so that we can use the language in our communication appropriately. Besides, we can have a deeper understanding and appreciation of those literary works.

Professor Zhang is quite inspiring. In this first lesson, he motivates us to read more, and write more, as he mentions, “Reading is the purpose, while writing is the means.” so that we can see the essence through the surface. Now study for me should be fun, and self-centered, and we can’t expect that everything can be taught by the teacher in the classroom. I appreciate the way that he offers us the checklist to push us to read and write the reflection to share.

Learning for pleasure is what I pursue. I hope the professor and this course provide me more wonders and surprises.

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