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20090923- Earthlings<地球公民>- Reconsider the way we treat other beings?  

2009-09-23 17:40:24|  分类: 杂文随笔 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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20090923- Earthlings<地球公民>

- Reconsider the way we treat other beings?



This afternoon, free from class, I am lucky enough to find something really worth watching and thinking.

When you click the link above,a wonderful thought-provoking documentary will reveal before you.

When I am watching with my own eyes, I could hardly believe that it is just the way we treat the other beings. How merciless! How brutal! How …! Hard to describe the feelings, but feel sick. It may really spoil the dinner and makes you lose your appetite! But have a second thought, it is not just the bloody scenes make us sick but the way we treat those innocent animals that makes us disgusted.

This documentary begins with a beautiful picture of Earth--- the only planet we live, traveling through the space like a blue ball, leisurely and gracefully and you couldn’t help admiring its beauty. But take a closer look at the creatures living in, hardly will you imagine the violence existing at the same time!

We human beings, animals, should share and co-exist in this world instead of one dominating another. Actually, we rely on those animals to live or live better. They are not only the food and clothes providers, serve as companions and entertainers, but make contributions for medical and scientific experiments. But how do people pay back ? Torture them both physically and psychologically, like caging them, electrifying them., piercing them or slaughtering them, never consider their pains, sufferings, let alone their feelings and emotions.

Who deserves to be treated like this? Don’t they have their rights to live? Are they born to be suffered? Must them submit to the law that Might is Right?

We are all Earthlings, the creatures who inhabit the Earth. We are alive, and struggling for survival. We need comfort instead of discomfort, we all have emotions. If we can feel how they feel, if we know them a little more, we may reconsider the way we treat them and reshape our behavior.

The Nature has its law. The Nature needs to keep its balance. We should bear in mind that What goes around comes around and we reap just what we sow.



EARTHLINGS is a feature length documentary about humanity's absolute dependence on animals (for pets, food, clothing, entertainment, and scientific research) but also illustrates our complete disrespect for these so-called "non-human providers." The film is narrated by Academy Award nominee Joaquin Phoenix (GLADIATOR) and features music by the critically acclaimed platinum artist Moby.



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