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2009-06-28 10:52:34|  分类: 教学心得 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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广东北江中学   王锦霞


1)   描述视频中的案例(至少1个)

After Watching the video clip of How to teach the reading in Senior High, I am deeply impressed by the first two examples given by Dr.Lu Ziwen---How to deal with the information and the new words in the content. But here I’d like to share my own understanding of the first one.

The first audio visual material about reading teaching is focused on how to deal with the information in reading, which may be described as follows:

I.    Lead in ---the teacher introduces the topic “My First Ride on a Train” and asks to learn how to talk about their own experience by reading this passage.---a good stimulus

II. Assign the reading task 1---Read the last two paragraphs and try to find our 1) what is it about? 2) how is it related to the topic / the whole passage? (It is quite essential to give students clean and definite instruction before reading and make sure the students know what to do.) Its purpose is to help students to make a good summary and stimulate students’ background knowledge.

III.   Assign the reading task 2---read the whole passage to find out the relationship between the last two paragraph and the whole passage.

IV.  Summary---Through such learning experience , the teacher helps us to realize that they should read the passage as a whole and have a whole picture or framework in their mind while reading so that they can make connections between every different part of the passage to get the general idea.  ---a useful reading strategy.



From what Professor Zhang Lianzhong has mentioned, the reading teaching in the new English standard mainly focus on reading for information , reading beyond the language, from which the students’ ability to read effectively and efficiently can be greatly improved and as a result, they can broaden their horizon and get more information. Such idea can meet the criteria that students should learn through using, by using and for using and therefore,  become an independent learner and independent thinker. However, in the traditional approaches, more emphasis is placed on the words, phrases and some sentence patterns (the form of language rather than the semantics) while reading, so the students may fail to see whole for the part.  



Looking back on my own teaching experience, I have also made great efforts to improve my reading teaching approaches. For example, whenever I come to teach a topic, first of all, I will design some pre-reading task to build or activate the learner's schema, such as brainstorming or sharing their own experience. As this may help arouse students’ interest in reading. In the while-reading procedure, I focus on testing students’ understanding of the passage, I may design some activities, like multiple choices, true or false questions, wh-question , or ask them to summarize or retell the passage in their own words . Of course, sometimes some extensive question or discussion may be included in this part. After giving the passage as a whole to the students, for the sake of the examination, I can’t avoid teaching some useful expressions or beautiful sentence structures to them and require them to practice again and again. Sometimes recitation are required if necessary, as it is also a way to help improve their own writing by imitating and practicing.


However, there is also something needed to be improved in my teaching after watching this lecture, as I find it is far from enough to teach the students the knowledge, to help them deal with the obstacles in reading or offer good reading material to digest. Teach them how to fish is more important than to give them the fish. Therefore, I need to stress on some micro-teaching to train students’ reading abilities, including how to guess the new words in the content, how to infer the writer’s attitude or purpose, how to get the general idea and so on , like the examples that Dr Lu Ziwen has shown in the video clip. As in a limited 40 or 45 minute class-room teaching, we can’t emphasize on every part. If the students can improve little by little and they are no longer afraid of some absurd words and lengthy passages, and they are quite confident in using their background knowledge to understand the reading materials better, and gain more information, that is a big success.

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