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20070929---a special day in my life  

2007-09-29 23:42:39|  分类: 心情日记 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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 Today, Sept 29th,2007 is very particular to me for it is the 10th anniversary of my wedding ceremony. I still remember maybe 10 days ago, when I taught my students the word “particular”, I made a sentence by telling them this news. It seemed that they were so excited to know some secrets about their Ms Wang. Sometimes in order to arouse the students’ interest in English study, I do make some sentences related to myself, my life and my thoughts to give them some fun, especially in the so called “boring grammar learning”. That is really a nice touch..

To my surprise, my nice boys and girls do remember this date.

This afternoon, when I came into the classroom, some girls like LL, GYZ, and WXQ and so on, came up to me and tried to tease me.

“Ms Wang, don’t you think you are quite happy today?”

“I am quite happy every day, don’t you see that I smile every day.” I responded.

“Don’t you feel extremely or especially happy today?”

I realized what they really meant at that moment.

It seemed that they were curious to know more.

“Ms Wang, haven’t you got any special gifts?”” Ms, don’t  you have any special activity for tonight?”…… quite a few questions were aroused.

“Well, it depends. It depends on what somebody will do for me.” I just smiled and said.


“Ms, since you are so happy today, will you please not give us too much homework during the National holiday?”

What girls!!!  Sometimes you can’t imagine what they are thinking of and what they will ask for.

The lesson went on as smoothly and excitedly as what it used to be.

But after the lessons, I hurried to attend a meeting , which lasted more than an hour. It really made me sad, as when my husband called me to eat out, I was still at meeting. When I arrived home, it was already 6 o’clock. The whole family were waiting for me. Later we drove to JINSHUILOUTAI a restaurant to have a dinner and we gave a toast to celebrate such a day for us for the happy family.

What really surprised me is that my husband sent me a bunch of beautiful flowers on the way back home, which is really beyond my expectation. As a matter of fact, he is not a very romantic man, but he is really thoughtful and considerate. Looking back for these ten years life of marriage, I shouldn’t have any regrets as I have such a happy family, a very adorable boy and a loving and caring husband.

Sept 29th, 2007 is a day worth remembering.


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