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英伦随笔20050106---Student Centered Approach  

2007-04-07 20:23:47|  分类: 英伦随笔 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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英伦随笔20050106---Student Centered Approach

With the reform of the education, the approach of English teaching also changes a lot. In today’s lesson, the tutor---Ms Elspeth Broady focus on the student-centered approach. This is a good approach for English learning as it makes people realize the importance of the learners’ learning strategy. But the problem is that how we teachers put them into practice effectively. I quite appreciate the following statements:

1.       Whatever teachers do, they need to consider students’ need first.

2.       It is not the teacher who designs the students to learn. It is the students themselves who should be motivated to have the desire to learn.

3.       If you give a man a fish, he will just live for a day; if you tell a man how to fish, he can live for the rest of his life.

So don’t just tell the students something they don’t know, tell them the way, give them the tool to explore the ocean of knowledge and information.


Worth thinking over:

1.       what should a teacher do in class?

2.       How should a teacher teach a large class?

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