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英伦随笔20050105---Get lost in UK  

2007-04-07 20:12:20|  分类: 英伦随笔 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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英伦随笔20050105---Get lost in UK

Finally I found the house of my host family. I really wanted to cry the moment I unlocked the door. I really wanted to thank that kind-hearted English girl who helped me to find the way. It was really an adventure. Due to my poor memory and terrible sense of direction, I got lost twice today. Living abroad is really not an easy thing. Being a stranger here makes me feel helpless especially when in trouble.

It gets dark so early. At about 3:30 pm, you will feel the night begins to fall. Walking alone under the shadow of night makes me frightened. Sometimes I even worry whether someone may rob me or kill me from behind? Sounds terrible, isn’t it? When I get lost, I naturally turn to the people for help. To be honest, the passers-by are kind and patient. They will tell you the direction but they seldom lead you the way. But what upsets me is that when I knock at the door of the local people there to ask for help, no one answers the no one cares. That is a new cultural shock I experience today---British people don’t welcome the unexpected visitors. Maybe I am not lucky enough to meet the kind ones. I got sweated and I realized my underclothes were wet because of the fright. Gosh. Hopefully tomorrow is another day. Everything will turn out to be easy for me. Now my mind goes blank and I feel I can’t think and quite homesick.

It is really a tiring day. This morning after I quickly had my first breakfast at home, the Tanwai girl saw me off at the bus stop. Because of my excitement and carelessness, I didn’t pay much attention to some landmarks, which caused the biggest problem for me to find back home. And I even didn’t realize that I should have known the name of the bus stop. Poor me! As everything is the first time for me to handle, I got off at the wrong bus stop which does not lie in the University of Brighton, my destination, but Sussex University. It seems that many people are not familiar with the place like me, for many times when I asked for the direction, I got the disappointing answer, “sorry!”

Later I realized I was not the only one who got lost today, quite a few classmates got the same experience as I did. Haha. Feel a bit relieved.

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