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free your mind and be brave and frank





2007-04-15 19:05:22|  分类: 英伦随笔 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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To learn a language well, we should not just learn the language itself, but its culture, its people and whatever related to this language as well. So ashamed that I know little about these things.

Here I would like to give a summary of what I have learned today in order to help remember.

1.       Now the population of the UK is over 60 million, actually it is not a big number, compared with the statistic in China. The problem that comes up is the graying generation. It seems that I have seen more senior citizens than the young people in UK.

2.       I know little about the places of interest in UK. For the following 3 months, I really need to go traveling to have a visit to widen my eyesight.

3.       the age for young people legally to do these things, such as learning to drive, voting, leaving school, or drinking alcohol is almost the same as in China. It seems quite universal. But here in UK, with parents’ permission, people get married in 16, quite incredible. Are they mature enough to shoulder the responsibilities of marriage? In my view, 16-year-old people are just teenagers. And in China, men need to be at least 22 and women need to be at 20 to get married.

4.       So sorry that we know little about the slangs or colloquial words which are quite popularly used in UK. Well, it is necessary to have some idea about them for the purpose of communication, but do we need to put them into the teaching materials or textbooks for the Chinese students to learn? In China, the English we’ve learned is too formal to use in the daily life.

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