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13 going 30  

2007-01-26 14:54:24|  分类: 心情日记 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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some thought about 13 going 30

Today i have watched a movie named 13 going 30 acted by jennifer Garnar. It tells of a girl of 13 years old who is eager to grow up  and be a lady of 30. That is her dream on her 13-year-old birthday. For being 13, she couldn't have a good shape and appears quite childish, which is really annoying. Unexpectedly, her dream comes true. The next morning, when she wakes up, things change completely, she turns out to be a lady, a beautiful lady as she wishes.She has got whatever she wishes, sexy figures, nice jobs. But she doesn't know who she really is . When later she realizes the mistakes she has made, she tries to make up for it, as she used to take the others' love and care for granted. Fortunately, the story has a happy ending.

Isn't it the same with us?

When we are young, we wishes to grow up as quickly as possible and be free and independent. It seems we are quite tired of mum's endless nagging, heavy burden from the study. The home and the school are just like the bird's cage or even the horrible prison. But later when we have grown up and have our own family, what happens? Aren't we looking back to those good old days? Pictures of childhood reminds us a lot. How we wish those days can be back!

i still remember one of the questions the girl asks her mum, "if you have made mistakes in your life, do you regret doing it or wants to change it ? " Her mum's answer is quite surprising. "No, as you won't learn to make the good choice without the mistakes." That is life.

Now i have experienced the age of 13 and 30. The biggest difference for me is being taken care of by others at 13, while taking care of others at 30.

13 going 30 is the step of a girl turning out to be a lady.

13 is an age full of dreams while 30 full of responsibilities.

13 is an age looking forward while 30 valuing each day you spend.

13 is an age taking everything for granted while 30 taking everything seriously.

Sometimes i ask myself, if possible, if i have the magic, what do i want to change in my life?

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